Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thing # 11: Digital Citizenship


What I am taking away from this lesson is that every teacher in the system is responsible for teaching digital literacy / digital citizenship. Our philosophy in Spring Branch has always been "meet the student where he is and take him where he needs to be," but I have read blog entries in which teachers advocate letting colleagues know that they, too, are responsible for teaching digital literacy, expecially when it comes to the evaluation of resources and the citation of sources.

The advice to go beyond the first few sites google spits out is invaluable as that brings back to the user the responsibility for evaluating and assessing websites. I think our district does very well teaching digital literacy and citizenship in the elementary grades, but I know that I have not done a thorough job of it in high school and am motivated to do better.

Maybe the culminating activity for such a lesson could be a wordle?

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