Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I suppose all you will see at school is a large white block of space because that is what I see. If you do not trust me, you can open this up at home or click on the link at the end of this post! I had nothing prepared, sad to say, so I made an Animoto of my father's 90th birthday party, which took place three years ago. I had never made an Animoto before, and I certainly had never before contributed to YouTube or TeacherTube, but both were easy--surprise! I had read a posted comment that the YouTube offering would commandeer all the blog space and then some, and that turned out to be true. It was also true that the Animoto would not be as sharp / clear in YouTube. These are small things, though, and do not dim my pleasure in the finished product!

I would like to try this with something other than an Animoto, just to know that I can do it, but I need to move along or I won't finish 11.5 Things!

An additional note about the birthday party--I chose Amazing Grace as the background music because my father always loves to hear that song sung in Choctaw. When he was growing up, his father and his sisters would sit out on the porch and sing in the evenings. They all had lovely voices, and the neighbors on the farms all around would sit in their yards and listen. "Like the angels singing," they said.

My Aunt Dottie, in particular, had a beautiful singing voice, and she often performed Amazing Grace in Choctaw. What a treat it was to hear her!

90 Years Young

Image: C.seal by moon8woman


VWB said...

it looked like a lovely party and I know he enjoyed the moment! and you now have this nice visual that he and your mom, etc. can share!

Now that you have the Animoto bug, I expect I will be seeing....

Grendel said...

True. My cousins brought my mother's sister for a visit last weekend, and I am going to make an animoto for the family. I almost hate to tell them how easy it is because now they think I am a technology genius!