Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thing #21: From My Pod to Yours

That is the problem, all right. I have sweated blood over this one. I went to Radio Shack this afternoon and purchased a ten dollar headset with microphone from a youngster who could have been my grandson. When I told him I had to learn to make a podcast, he almost choked to death to keep from guffawing right in my face. "Oh, it's easy," he said. Right. Well, I got home with said headset and recorded my experience, leaving out the sordid and humiliating little details. Now, I only have to figure out how to get the podcast into this blog. I may be up to my eyeballs in trouble here. I could save this as a wav file but not as mp3. I wasn't able to download this "lame" thing (lame in more ways than one!) on my computer. What to do with a wav? Swim fast to the shore. I'll be back!

This is still very clumsy. I cannot see the forest for the trees!


VWB said...

I heard you! I heard you! Yay!
I did have to download the file to my computer so that was an extra step.
I will have to study up on this myself for an only-audio file...Blogger doesn't currently "host"...but a Photostory CAN be uploaded.

We will conquer this...but methinks you should do some of your famous book reviews a la pod!

LUV2GO said...

I tried to upload a photo story from 2 different computers (dial up at home and our networked school computers) to no avail. Both times it said it couldn't contact blogger.com. If you figure out how to do so, let me know.

A Special Kind Of Teacher..... said...

That was a great podcast. You might want to try to upload your audio file to slingpod and then just add a link. Don't worry about what other people think, as long as you're having fun, it doesn't matter!

Grendel said...

You all are so kind. Thanks for listening to my podcast! And thanks for the suggestion!